Check for update android studio
Check for update android studio

check for update android studio check for update android studio

Example users don't want to update and clicked cancel, we can track those actions by overriding a method onActivityResult() to check as below void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) Any way we can choose an action to perform to do next. Step 5: After we request and check updates available, it will pop up the dialog. D (Integer) is a random integer number to identify when we use in onActivityResult() method in the next step.C (Activity) is the current context activity to pass.B (UpdateAvailability) is the enum value type that refers to FLEXIBLE and IMMEDIATE.A (AppUpdateInfo) is the result update info.MAppUpdateManager.startUpdateFlowForResult( A, B, C, D)  for making the request to Playstore to check for updates. } catch (IntentSender.SendIntentException e) MAppUpdateManager.startUpdateFlowForResult(result,AppUpdateType.FLEXIBLE, MainActivity.this & result.isUpdateTypeAllowed(AppUpdateType.FLEXIBLE)) If(result.updateAvailability() = UpdateAvailability.UPDATE_AVAILABLE mAppUpdateManager.getAppUpdateInfo().addOnSuccessListener(new void onSuccess(AppUpdateInfo result) Step 4: We will get update information from Playstore and check the update is available or not, before making a request for the update. Read Also: Android - Convert Website to Android App

Check for update android studio